Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Scrapping Me.

Talking abot yourself, for many people is the hardest thing to do. So when I saw a blog post for a postion that would be great for me. fill my time AND put a little money in my pocket, I found the hardest part to be creating a scrapbook page about MYSELF.

Of course, the first place I went was online to search for ideas. see what others had done and panicked! No examples. But this email stuck in my head...a response I had gotten from someone...

this is what I ended up with!

The jouraling reads...I once had a life coach ask me if I had a personal need to give and maybe to please. You never realize how complex you are until someone states it in simple terms! I DO! I answered with surprise that someone who has never met me, much less TALK to me could describe me so easily. I love to help. Whether it's customers, family or friends, my mission in life is to make YOURS easier. That sometimes means that my own wants get put on the back burner, but it never means that helping has not made me happy. And in the end, that's all that counts right?

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I hate to say it....

But I need to get out in my community and make some friends! We've moved and I just don't get out anymore. It's kinda a catch 22. Jack's tired of driving me everywhere, but all my friends are down south and don't want to drive up here. I can't meet new people, bc jack never wants to go anywhere, so even if I did a thing, I still couldn't get there. pbbbbbbbbbbbbt! The upside is that my home is waaaaaaaaaaaay more organized now! LOL

Saturday, December 8, 2007

items made, lessons learned.

so here we are, the end of the week. I was going to say that I've had a delightfully pleasant evening at home by myself but sadly did not sew anything until I remembered! I sewed little sacks for my Partylite products to sit in. There's nothing fancy to them. Just a piece of fleece sealed at the edges. ;)

Last night I finished up my sample Pursonal and my first chapstick holder. I like how they turned out too! The pursonal wasn't so neat and pretty, but it's functional and will tell me what I need to work on when I next approach it.

Changes to my Pursonal.
- name change. I didn't actually BUY it from three green apples, so I shouldn't be calling it that. I'll call it mah-ee instead. phonetic spelling for you hawaiians out there ;)
-add a flap to the top. pulling it out of your purse is one thing, but the top edge is still exposed, making it VERY obvious what it is.
-neaten up the stitches :D lol.
-interface both the inner AND outer fabric. My first one didn't and the top is somewhat floppy considering I used such a lightweight fabric.

I've got a show tomorrow afternoon, so I'll post pictures once I get home from that. It's a busy exciting weekend. Here's to hoping I remember to call Tambra and Thelma tomorrow before this event starts.


Wednesday, December 5, 2007

cute template yeah?

sorta.... I'm in the middle of learning how blogger does there between classes here at work, so excuse the mess while I sort things out!

I am so not liking these templates!!! Definitely going to have to spend more time on it!! It's not automatically as customizable as I would like and I'm having trouble getting everything to display right. Plus, I'm not into the free advertising for a company that already has millions to do that for them. It's not really me anyways......

ok, this one I like, but I would prefer my side panel to be on the OTHER will probably stay like that for a while... It's definitely more me than the rat movie one was and I like how nice and soothing the color combinations are. I'll do a little work later and try and figure out where in the coding the change is to move the panel to the other side. Hey, does that mean it's no longer "Tropical Grunge"? lol.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Second project almost done...

I used this fabric
to create this headband!

using the pattern found at Heather Bailey's website. how awesome does THAT look!? :D

Can't wait to go get the elastic (that I thought I had) and finish it off!!! Totally makes those $15 ones at the store look like crap! :teehee

Sunday, December 2, 2007

First project done!!

I got my first project done! yay!!! I did the bunny at wee wonderfuls done and sewed on a face for Chelsea's birthday present (of which the birthday was LAST week.... *anon*) I think it turned out cute! I did make a small error, of which will still be stuffed and sent to Rachel's husband as the "thank you" mutant bunny. I think, though, that this time, the face will be sewn on first. and THEN stuffed. We shall see though.


I forgot to include the bunny!


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