Friday, January 25, 2008

Rub across my belly

I'm excited. I made the purchase of my first Jelly Roll. It's due to arrive any day now and I can't wait to get started! I bought it with the specific purpose of getting doradora's quilt done. I made her a quillow, but decided i liked the fabric too much and she can't have it. It's the perfect contrast to my Ipu heke one that I bought from Bernie a few years ago. So many of the blogs that I enjoy to read about their stitching habits are on fabric diets from over buying crazes and I marvel at their ingenuity. I can't manage to buy fabric like them. partly bc I haven't had the $$ to do so until recently and also bc I tend to buy fabric with a specific purpose in mind. What are YOUR buying habits like?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm like you, I hesitate to buy fabric that I don't have a purpose for.

When I'm in the fabric store I want to buy everything that I like, but since that isn't an option I usually can't decide unless I come with a purpose.


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