Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Perpetual Student

When I started college, I didn't have a focus. I went because I thought I should. I think many kids are like that. Like sheep, they apply for and go because they feel they have to. Everyone else is so why not? What do I want to be? *shrug* dk. I think back and wonder how life would be if things were different. How would life be if I had begun college with a clear plan in mind. If I hadn't gotten pregnant while losing my virginity. (yup...no lie!) If I didn't feel a constant need for acceptance growing up. Would my path be different in life?

Recently, I was reading a blog. Stacy Julian's All Together Too Happy. Let me preface this by saying that I *love* her. Her philosophy and speech makes everything sound so simple and clear. I first came across her when I started scrapbooking. I found this book on Amazon that I have since passed to my sister whom is a new scrapbooker herself. But I digress. Stacy was recently in Missoula at a benefit scrap event and her newest post did it again. Reminded me of what's important. What you do is important. Read it. it's inspirational.

As such I decided to take my first scrap class. Jessica Sprague is offering a free online class. You should join me.

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