Thursday, October 2, 2008

Getting back to the basics...

Normally, my morning routine includes checking blogs in the am. But I awoke this first day of October a little beat. I hit that snooze button and discovered that I had not only turned it off, but DH had not set his alarm. We didn't oversleep TOO far, but far enough that I didn't do any blog reading until early afternoon. Imagine my dismay that I missed a chance at some cool blogcandy from Stacy Julian! Auwe! She's one of my scrap-idols. plus, I love the way she talks (She does guest appearances on a TV show called Scrapbook Memories).

But as the day progressed, I discovered a few other people who I follow presenting similar challenges! I'm excited! PLUS ~ I'm doing Ali Edwards Week in the Life project, so I have TONS of photos to use!

Even though I should still be riding that birthday high, we've had so many high stress things going on that it's nice to focus on some happiness. (That's another reason I love Stacy's blog...she's All Together Too Happy! ;)

Now if I could just get the Expedit to fit together correctly! Tomorrow is another afternoon rush~I have pool league, so I have to rush from work to run & meet my pool buddies for carpool AND still stop by Ikea to figure out why my dowels are too small and too long. *sigh* I was hoping to have it together already and to be busy VACUMING underneath it! ah well. Hopefully, it will be finished by this weekend. (Jack's suggestion of shaving the dowels down the the appropriate size was immediately VETOED as I don't think alterations should be necessary. I didn't spend $300 on this for nothing!)

BTW, photo credit goes to Tia Bennett.

1 comment:

Cara said...

LOVE the butterflies :D


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